Thursday, January 29, 2009


Teachers are as bad as students and love snow days. Yes, I mentioned in an earlier post that I was sick of winter, but I can handle a few extra days off hanging out with my kids. Stephen could play outside in the snow all day if we would let him. Yesterday he spent 5 hours in the snow, riding his four wheeler and having snow ball fights with his dad and friends. I am lucky to be married to an avid hunter, as we have an arsenal of very warm hunting clothes of varying sizes. Stephen and Owen are well prepared for the bitter cold, which was an advantage as they were able to play in the snow for quite a while. Owen was adorable in the snow so bundled up he could barely walk. He spent a majority of his time just rolling around in it. The only thing that he dislikes is when his gloves get wet from all the rolling around and his tiny hands get so cold! When I brought him inside his hands were burning and he was trying to find band aids for them. I think we are going to have to invest in some water resistant gloves for the little guy. The drawback to this weather is having to make up our school days in May, but I guess I will just worry about that when the time comes and enjoy it now!!

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