Sunday, January 18, 2009

Super Sunday

Today was a fantastic family day together. This morning I received my 7:30 wake up call from Owen. The child never sleeps late and is always the first one up. I can count on him to wake me up, let the dog out if he needs to go out if I am still sawing logs, or even sneak into the kitchen cabinet to get himself a snack. Stephen was up as well so I decided we would just go to the 9 am church services. Clint even decided to come along today. He hadn't been to Cape La Croix yet, and I was a little nervous as to what he would think since it is so far off the traditional catholic upbringing that he was raised with. When we pulled into the parking lot, Owen was so excited because he loves going to the "tree" church, because of the massive rainforest they have in the children's annex. Clint was open minded about the experience, but he did say it was different. I felt the same way at first, but now truly enjoy going each week. I have never WANTED to go to church before until now! Is that normal??
After church, we went to Best Buy to get a wii fit. They weren't open yet, but I knew that they would have some in. We sat in the parking lot for about 15 minutes and then other people started pulling up. Finally 5 minutes before they opened the door, the crowd gathered at the front door in a small mob to get a wii or wii fit. I felt ridiculous. However, I got the wii fit and everyone here is happy. After Best Buy, we hit Logan's for a quick lunch and everyone was good! Usually we have fighting or table issues, but today was a great day. We came home, but we decided not to break out the wii fit just yet. Clint had to watch the football game, so I took a nap. The boys played with very little fighting, might I add! Tomorrow Stephen and I are off, which makes the weekend even better.


  1. Wow! That is so great! I really love keeping up with your blog! Now all you need is a facebook page!!!! I can't believe how big your boys are getting!

  2. Great!! It is so awesome to hear you are enjoying LaCroix! My hubby grew up Catholic too, but now loves it as well! Every weekend provides another amazing experience! Sounds like your kids are enjoying it too!! I'm jealous you got a Wii Fit! We are borrowing my neighbors! :) I LOVE it!
