Saturday, January 24, 2009

Things That Don't Flush

Yes, another post on potty training. It is consuming our lives here at the Willis household. We made a little progress this week, but as of Friday, Owen still feels the need to do his business in his pants. Today we had a rather messy episode, and I accidently flushed his underwear down the toilet. Needless to say, Mommy's bathroom is incapacitated at the moment. I didnt have a good enough grip on the waistband of his underwear when I flushed the toilet for a little help in the clean up. I yelled out, "NOOOO!" when the toilet overcame my weak two fingered grip on a much loved pair of Lightning McQueen underwear. I have a method to this madness, you see. As soon as it happened, I tried to get a wire hanger in the toilet thinking maybe they didnt go down very far. Do you realized how hard it is to find a wire hanger in today's households?? Anyway, Lightning McQueen is lodged somewhere in our pipes. Clint was farming and I called him just saying, "I did something bad." Stephen flushed a rubber duck down the toilet once, and the toilet had to be lifted out where ducky was lodged underneath. Each year I do something stupid that involves plumbing. Last year it was flushing wayyyyyy too many noodles down the garbage disposal and clogging the pipes. FYI, noodles dont go down the drain in a huge wad. Neither do underwear.


  1. Hi Ann!! I love reading your posts! You are such a great writer! Keep up the posts!! :)

  2. Thanks! But I can't read yours! Invite me to read yours!!
