Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Winter Break--Please Don't End

I think teachers don't want to return to school any more than students do after Christmas. I have enjoyed being home with Stephen and Owen so much! Ahhh, my boys. Fighting and destroying the house, constant eating and drinking whatever they can get their hands on, and Owen sneaking into corners going potty where he is not supposed to! UGH! However, I wouldn't trade it for the world. Summer time is usually a little more structured with all the camps, baseball, swim lessons, etc..., but this is a time where we just do WHATEVER! Highlights of the past week and a half have been all the Christmas excitement. Stephen has put together all of his lego projects, including his castle. He is so good at the whole lego thing and really enjoys them. Owen is highly entertaining because one, he constantly talks to himself as he plays or a television show if he watches it. And I was worried he would NEVER talk! He loves his new Mickey Mouse racetrack and all of his new art stuff. I am a little disappointed because his new twin mattress is still not in, and I was hoping to have his bedroom redone as an official "big boy" room by the weekend. Hopefully the adjustment to the big boy bed won't be as bad as the potty training has been!!
I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK FRIDAY. It is just a work day for teachers, and then Monday we are back to the real thing. I have news for the kiddos in my class. I am laying the smackdown on them. I don't have a real good crew this year and before Christmas I was about to pull my hair out with them.

Clint has been Mr. Fix It today, hopefully saving us $600 with his quick thinking. Our hot water heater was on the brink of explosion and one phone call to the warranty company (that I forgot we had) saved us a lot of money. We thought that we were going to have to replace the heater and pay for the install ourselves. We got a new heater at no cost, and now he and a buddy are attempting to install the new one themselves. Pray no one gets hurt.... Homeowner life is no fun at times.

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