Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008!

2008 was another busy year for us. I watched our boys get bigger with mixed emotions of excitement and sadness. We have lots of things to be thankful for this year, as God has kept us safe and healthy. Here is a recap of our year.

January: The year started out not so well with Clint having excrutiating pain in his lower back. Several trips to the back crackin' chiropractor were to no avail. He went 2 more months in lots of pain before finally having major back surgery.

February: Clint and I took a much needed vacation away and went to Lexington, Kentucky to see a UK Wildcats Basketball game. We had always wanted to go to a college basketball game and see UK play. They won the game, but they did not have a very good overall season.
THE ICE STORM came. So many of our friends went without power for days. We were blessed that our power was only out for about 8 hours total. Needless to say, no school for several days!

March: Clint had his back surgery on March 7 and couldn't work for 3 weeks. His neurosurgeon, Dr. Tolentino, was AWESOME. Clint is almost as good as new!
Flooding rains came. It rained 13 inches in 24 hours time. I thought God was sending the second coming of Noah. No school due to rain!!
Due to rising gas prices, I traded in the gas guzzling Yukon for a Toyota Camry. I love my Camry, although I do miss the space between my boys for fighting reasons.

April/May: Stephen started his 3rd baseball season, with Clint as one of the coaches. Stephen is a pretty athletic kid. Baseball is going to be the sport for him. His favorite position seems to be catcher, but Clint is already worried abouth is knees....good grief. He is 8! We also went to our annual Cardinals game with seats right behind the Cardinal dugout. Stephen stood behind the dugout begging for a player to sign a baseball for him, but to no avail. Albert Pujols snubbed him and now he does not like his once favorite player.

June: I taught summer school for vacation money. Stephen fought going to enrichment summer school every single day and informed me that he will never attend again. Other days were filled with time at the pool and baseball! One of my best friends was diagnosed with breast cancer at 28. I am only including this because as of now she is through with chemo and just had her new implants put in. I am so proud of her strength through her ordeal. And maybe a little jealous because she has new boobies.... ha ha.

July: Clint and I went to Destin, Florida for our 10th wedding anniversary, which was June 12. My beloved parents kept the boys for an entire week! We had a great time and I cannot wait to go back. We celebrated Owen's 3rd birthday with a romp n' stomp party with his best friends.

August: Back to school time! Stephen entered 2nd grade and Owen started preschool. Owen loves school and especially riding the bus! I officially started my 10th year of teaching.

September: FOOTBALL. Stephen started playing his very first season of tackle football with the local youth league. I don't know who was more excited, Clint or Stephen. Football proved to be very time consuming with practices twice a week and games on Saturdays. Stephen's team, the Colts, were the second worst in the league. Stephen learned a lot about football and Clint learned that you cannot live vicariously through your children. Clint's parents came to visit us from SC and to watch Stephen play football.

October: Clint was very disappointed that he was unable to go on his annual Canadian bird murdering hunting trip....let's blame the economy for that. However, plans are in the works for a 2009 trip. Can you believe Stephen is begging to go? Stephen turned 8 years old and I still can't believe it.

November: The election. Republicans such as myself and my entire family grimaced. I can only hope that the change that we have been promised is coming. Thanksgiving came with the stomach flu hitting the house canceling our plans, but we were still together.

December: Lots of holiday activities. Stephen performed in his first Christmas concert. Owen exhibited true Christmas excitement. He loved looking at any Christmas lights, making me circle our neighborhood on our way home in the evening. When asked what he wanted for Christmas, all he could say was "pwesents." We celebrated with both sides of our family on different days.

Finally, we overcame many obstacles. Financially, we have taken a hit like so many other families. Cutting back has been difficult, but it has made us truly value what we have and the time that we do spend together. The "little" things have so much more value. I always say that things could be so much worse. We are all healthy, we have a roof over our head, and family and friends that love us. It is hard not to want something bigger and better, but looking around what truly matters makes you reconsider. I could not ask for anything bigger and better than our 2 boys!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Anne!! Thanks for including me in your blog! You have always been such an awesome friend to me and I'll NEVER forget our days at CMS! I hope to see you soon! Love ya!!

